Mortal Kombat 11 Hits Stores Today.
I’m proud to announce that I was lucky enough to work as a performance capture actor for the Story Mode on the newly released Mortal Kombat 11. This time around I was given the chance to play Present Day Johnny Cage, Revenant Liu Kang and Noob Saibot….along with a few Tarkatan Soldiers.
Both the game play and the Story Mode in MK 11 are beyond amazing and I love the hell out of everyone at NetherRealm Studios. They truly love creating these kick ass experiences and I’m lucky to be able to work with so many people that I consider friends. If you haven’t purchased the game or seen any of the trailers, drop what you are doing and do it ASAP. The work they do deserves to be seen.
Now that I’m done blowing heartfelt smoke up everyones ass, I advise you to get our there and play this game. I’ll be posting photos later today on all my social media platforms because I really live for that instant gratification. My wife says I have a problem